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Extra Story

Hi, I'm back. This is the extra story. Actually, I want to tell you about my real last days in Thailand. I went out with my two buddies for the last time. We ate together and talked about our daily life. Love ❤ I always talk about my buddies, but never introduce them to you. My two buddies.. On my left side, her name is Jaa. She never had time for me. She said she always busy. I understand her. But when she had a free time, she stayed with me for a day. She helped me a lot. Even Jaa was busy, when I texted her, she always fast respond. She was good at technology and direction. If I didn't know the ways, i just need to call her, and she will direct me. I miss you my navigator. ❤❤ On my right side, her name is Noii. She was also busy, but she made everything possible to meet me. She was  always in my side whether I need her or not. She helped me a lot. Noii taught me everything about Thai Culture. Noii was good at caring people, when I sick, she came an...

Postingan Terbaru

Last Week 12th - 18th February 2018

Third Week, 5th February - 11th February 2018